
Resonance Embodied

Tonya Tyre, DC

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Tonya Tyre, DC

Tonya is a BGI Lead Instructor and the Regional Director of BGI Canada. In addition to teaching BGI Foundational seminars, BGI Osseous and Playshops, she offers Resonance Embodied Seminars.

These seminars all have the pre-requisite for BGI 1, 2, & 3. They are inspired by BGI concepts and take the application of these concepts to a beautifully specific practice.

These seminars are small in nature so that each student /DC can get ample hands on time and personal attention. They fill up quickly! So, make sure to sign up right away.


APRIL 5-7: Preconception, Pregnancy & Internal Geometry: Berkeley, CA

MAY 3-5: Preconception, Pregnancy & Internal Geometry: Norwell, MA

Register: 604-785-9463 or

Resonance Embodied Workshops:

preconception and pregnancy care and the internal geometry

This workshop covers concepts pertaining to preconception care, infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss and post-postpartum care. We won’t be leaving out the men as much of what we will cover applies to them as well. We will be focusing on deepening our palpation skills and understanding the underlying dynamics that affect the pelvic structure. From there we will be exploring a new plan of geometry: Internal Geometry. The Internal Geometry is an understanding of how some deep dural tension can create or be the result of tension outside of the dural system. Based on the work of Dr. Sue Brown. Pre-requisite BGI 3.