2024-2026 Mastery Program
Welcome to the Revolution!
Are you dedicated to the pursuit of mastery?
Are you ready to support your participants in remembering their connectedness
and effortlessly progressing to greater states of awareness?
Are you ready to discover what is waiting for you?
What we study in BGI Academy of Mastery:
The material in the Mastery Program is the natural unfolding of the system as the body continues to remember and discover its complexity and greater states of awareness. The program consists of nine in person modules as well as online instruction and support.
The modules are designed to not only introduce the advanced work of BGI but also to assist the student in achieving true mastery of the concepts. In the past, the advanced work has been “dipped into” and “dabbled in”. Now it is time for full immersion. We will be intensively studying the advanced work and giving it its full measure of time and attention. You will be asked to participate in exercises to deepen all of your clinical skills and bring greater awareness of the geometric patterning. The intention is to challenge you to greater depths and clarity in all aspects of the adjusting process. This will enable you as a practitioner to fully support the people you serve along their ever-advancing path of evolution.
Module 1: Details of Primary Planes & Working With Multiple Patterns
Module 2: Rhythm, Momentum, and Tone
Module 3: Secondary Planes
Module 4: Fractals on a Macroscopic Scale
Module 5: Fractals on a Microscopic Scale
Module 6: Transverse Planes
Module 7: Bridging Matter and Energy
Module 8: Accessing the Grid
Module 9: The Field
What is includend in the Mastery Program:
In person Instruction: NINE 3-Full Day Modules
Monthly group zoom calls
Curated individual support in your development
Access to Academy of Mastery Online Portal with added resources, course material, opportunities to prepare and review
Access to the Academy of Mastery Online Community
Celebrate your graduation with the community at BGI 4M 2026
Attend BGI 4M 2026 for no additional cost!
Attend any FOUNDATIONAL BGI Seminar (BGI 1-3) in the USA for $200 Until June 2026
Is BGI Academy of Mastery for me?
BGI Education Prerequisites:
At least THREE BGI 1 Seminars
At least THREE BGI 2 Seminars
At least THREE BGI 3 Seminars
At least ONE BGI 4M Attendance
At least ONE official BGI Seminar since June 2022
Chiropractic Experience:
At least TWO Years as a Doctor of Chiropractic
Be actively practicing as a Chiropractor.
Have a practice in which you and only you choose how you adjust, the schedule, approach and force applications (techniques) are at your discretion. (You have the freedom to apply the work you learn in this course in your office)
You have a significant dedication and passion for Chiropractic from a BGI approach.
Your philosophy of life has been influenced by the Potential Energy Theory of Subluxation and the material within BGI.
You have enough Chiropractic experience to know that you will be a life-long student of the body and the innate intelligence inherent in all systems.
You are ready, even craving, personal transformation
You are ready for your life and the way you show in practice to be transformed and you are curious about who you will be on the other side.
Please be aware that the prerequisites listed are the minimum experience needed to be considered for acceptance into the program. The two years of the Mastery Program will be transformational on both personal and professional levels. The material is deep. Some modules are more challenging on an intellectual level and some are challenging on an energertic/emotional level. All are inspirational. The prerequistes are in place to support the field and your individual growth, however they are not our only considerations. We fully expect to receive more applications than we will be able to accept for this class.
Module 1: Date
Module 2: Date
Module 3: Date
Module 4: Date
Module 5: Date
Module 6: Date
Module 7: Date
Module 8: Date
Module 9: Date
How can I participate?
Check your eligibility with the prerequisites below.
Apply to be accepted into the program
Application must be submitted before May 1
Complete a Zoom Interview with one of the Mastery Program Instructors
BGI Academy of Mastery Application
All applications must be received before May 1st, when we will begin the interview process.
Applying is not a guarantee of acceptance into the program.