Cell Biologist and Bestselling Author
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
Bruce Lipton, phd
"Historically, scientific reductionism has provided an amazing understanding of the nature of the body’s structure, from organs to cellular organelles and down to its genes. However, the limitations of this approach are clearly evident in science’s inability to resolve today’s healthcare crisis.
"Systems biology is a new field of science that allows health practitioners to transcend a system’s parts and gain awareness of the whole. A valuable example of systems biology is revealed in Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI). Through a brilliant synthesis of tensegrity, fractal geometry, quantum physics, and conventional anatomy, Sue Brown, DC offers profound insight into the mechanics governing the operation and health of the musculoskeletal system. Knowledge is power and for chiropractors, BGI represents a source of empowering awareness that has enormous potential for enhancing physical and emotional wellbeing. As an outspoken advocate of the “new biology,” I wholeheartedly encourage chiropractors to consider the amazing insights provided through BGI."
Tom preston, dc
"Dr Sue Brown is one of the most extraordinary voices in chiropractic today! Her deep intellect coupled with her commanding grasp of chiropractic philosophy and quantum physics has allowed her to create a model of tensegrity and potential for humanity that will go down in history as one of the great discoveries of our generation. Her ability to take these concepts and present with humor, humility and in a way that I can understand makes her one of my favorite speakers in the world today!"
Full Circle Coaching & Consulting
Vice Principal
McTimoney College of Chiropractic
Valerie Pennacchio, DC
"Sue Brown and the concepts of BioGeometric Integration enhanced and infused my life with clarity both personally and professionally from the first time I heard her speak. The richness and simplicity with which she connects traditional philosophy of chiropractic concepts with contemporary scientific understanding and then offers a practical application that interfaces all three is truly rewarding and inspiring, not to mention effortlessly transferable into the office. She’s a dynamic speaker and has an incredible ability of making the seemingly difficult “out of reach” ideas, simple; inspiring the listener to know more and serve the people in their practices with a deeper conviction. Sue is an inspirational addition to any conference program."
- Louis Corleto, DC, President, AdJustWorld, Inc.
Louis Corleto, DC
"D.D. Palmer made the following statement regarding chiropractic, "As soon as the human mind is capable of absorbing a still more refined and advanced method and human aspiration demands it, it will be forthcoming and I hope to be the medium through which it will be delivered to the denizens of the earth." I know Sue Brown to be a medium through which this "refined and advanced method" is being delivered to assist humanity in making its transition. Sue has a gift for integrating the esoteric with the most cutting-edge in contemporary science and teaching it in a digestible manner. Sue Brown has said YES to her calling and is expressing her soul’s purpose impeccably. On behalf of TIC and humanity, THANK YOU my friend, keep setting them free!!!"