Today is Sue Brown, DC's Birthday. She was the founder, developer, discoverer, and creatrix of everything BGI. Her work and discoveries are the curriculum and basis for EVERYTHING taught in BGI. Professionally, her greatest gift to the chiropractic community is the Potential Energy Theory of Subluxation. We hear time and time again how many other Chiropractic approaches are now referencing and utilizing this information. In addition to the PETS, the concept of Establishing Continuity is the single thing Sue wished (and we agree) every chiropractor would incorporate into their practice. Imagine the possibilities of countless Chiropractors approaching the body from the philosophical position of PETS and Establishing Continuity before every adjustment... The world would be a very different and, dare I say, more integrated place!
For those of you who had the honor to know her, I invite you to take the time to remember her, both as the Chiropractor and as the person. If you feel called, please share your memories of her on social media with #SUEBROWNBGI
For those of you who have benefited greatly from her work but didn't get to meet her, I would like to share a little bit about her. Sue was a genius. I don't say that lightly. Her attention to detail and ability to express what she was perceiving was phenomenal. Her dedication to Chiropractic as a calling was profound. She was also joyous. Her passion for play, laughter, and even mischief brought light to those around her. Second to her love of Chiropractic was her love of Karaoke. I will never hear the song "Mustang Sally" without hearing her voice and seeing her in her headset mic. She would consider participating in Karaoke as the best way to celebrate her.
As my Aunt, she offered me guidance and a beautiful example of what is possible in this life. I am infinitely grateful for my relationship with her and still strive to be in connection with her today even as she is no longer in physical form.
She would want YOU to be YOU. She would celebrate your AUTHENTICITY and would gently push you to live a life filled with INTEGRITY.
Personally, I strive to live in integrity because she taught me to do so. I invite you to do the same. Professionally, BGI Seminars strives to not only teach the material she graciously left us but to do so in a manner that aligns with the values she taught us.
All are welcome in BGI. We believe in holding chiropractic to a standard of Integrity and authenticity. Thank you, Sue, for setting us on that path. We remember you today and love you deeply.
Happy Birthday, Sue!
- Jacqueline Segura, DC
BGI Academy of Mastery
Perhaps you could feel it…
Over the past year, BGI has been up to big things. The Field of the BGI Academy of Mastery has expanded.
Outside of the public eye, we have been hosting a special class of the Academy of Mastery. This class consists of the current North American BGI Instructing Staff who were unable to complete the Mastery Program with Sue Brown, DC. This month, we completed Module 7, and now we are finally ready to share what we have been up to. This class has been essential to build the field for the work presented in the Mastery Program. We have been able to establish clarity and details in the work of BGI on all levels. We have two more modules to go, and we will be graduating this year at BGI 4M.
The 2024 class consists of Liliana Warner, DC; Tonya Tyre, DC; J. Kate Wetterlin-Duga, DC; James Duga, DC; and myself. Jackie Manfre, DC has led the way with deep support and contributions from Will Vogds, DC; Marcia Segura, DC; and Therese Perdidjian, DC (Graduates of the 2013 Academy of Mastery Class). Jackie and I have been rebuilding this program for many months. This has been a wild ride for all involved. Everyone listed has been bravely paving the way for reopening the Mastery Program. We have cried, laughed, and breathed deeply into the work. It has been such an honor, with so much more still to come.
While our work over the last year has been profound, we would have never gotten here without the rich history and legacy Sue left us. Before Bio-Geometric Integration was created, Sue was simply a chiropractor and educator. We call her a Chiropractic Master because it is true, but she never desired to be on a pedestal. She recognized our individual genius and was never interested in creating “little Sues.” She was dedicated to creating a playground for the development of individual Mastery in Chiropractic and in the world.
BGI has evolved organically, adding more seminars and material as the field revealed itself. First, there was BGI 1, then BGI 2. Before long, BGI 3 was developed. For many years BGI 3 was utilized by Sue to present the ever-growing new material the field was unfolding. Eventually, the BGI 3 material was so vast that it became clear that yet another seminar needed to be added, BGI 4M. It is the place where we present new and advanced ideas and create community. BGI 4M is both very advanced and yet also just a taste of the Mastery concepts.
An entirely new set of seminars needed to be born to create clarity and honor for the next evolution of BGI material. Thus, the BGI Academy of Mastery was born. The first class of the Mastery Program was presented by Sue and completed in 2013, and she was able to continue with graduating a second class in 2014. By 2015, the third class could not be finished due to Sue completing her life journey.
Although the requests for the Mastery Program to be reinstated never ceased, the field and the community just weren’t ready yet. In 2022, something shifted. The field of BGI 4M 2022 expanded to a level that hadn’t been experienced since Sue was leading. The next step was clear, and the field was ready to reopen. It was time to begin the process of reopening the BGI Academy of Mastery.
So here we are, ready to continue Sue’s legacy. We have taken years to prepare and many paths to come to this point. I am so honored to announce that the 2026 Academy of Mastery Class will begin in September 2024. Applications will be open soon, followed by interviews.
Will you be a part of the next step in BGI’s evolution? Will you create a revolution for yourself, BGI, Chiropractic, and the world?
I hope you will.
Join the waitlist for more details
*Notes from Jacqueline: Following is an article written by Sue Brown, DC, the founder and developer of BGI. We continue to discover more of her writings and will share them here.
“In Chiropractic, a significant amount of time and energy has been spent defining and quantifying the subluxation. There are several models which describe its physiological effects and mechanisms. All have subtle differences but share the same idea of interference in the communication between the body and its Innate Intelligence. This interference is thought to be the reason that we express dis-ease. The body’s natural healing ability is blocked and thus a lack of wellness results. Because of this, subluxation has been viewed as a “bad” thing; something that should be battled and eliminated from our existence. And so Chiropractors spend their professional lives adjusting and releasing subluxations in an attempt to free the world from this terrible “dis-ease causing” plague.
When the subluxation is related only to the dis-ease it creates, we miss the deeper value and purpose of the subluxation. We miss the gift presented by the creation of the subluxation, that gift being the fact that the subluxation causes a separation from Innate. Now, you may be wondering, how can separation from our inborn wisdom, Innate, be a gift? It is a gift because it gives us the opportunity to begin to have knowledge of that wisdom based on the very fact of separation, it yields a new perspective. Perhaps you’ve had the experience of being so close to something that you cannot really see it. You can’t see the forest for the trees. This is how it is with Innate Intelligence. It’s so much a part of us that we cannot truly see it or know it. It just is. Innate acts quietly and consistently in our lives, coordinating all bodily functions, allowing it to move, and healing spontaneously. It works so well that we take it for granted. That is, until interference or separation, occurs. At that point, when all that we take for granted is interrupted, we take notice. We wake up and perceive the lack of connection, we experience the gap between innate and ourselves and say “Hey, something’s different, what is it? What is absent now that was present before? What is missing?”
In feeling its absence we are made aware of its presence and a desire to know and reconnect is created. The separation from Innate creates distance and with distance comes perspective. We can “view” Innate from a different vantage point and thus begin to understand its wisdom. Distance also creates polarity, a desire to reconnect with innate. The qualities experienced, those of perspective and polarity created by the subluxation, are the exact qualities that inspire us not only to reconnect with Innate but give us the opportunity to know Innate. And that reaching out toward Innate causes growth, an evolution of body, mind, and spirit.
The subluxation is not a “bad” thing, but a necessary component of self-awareness. It is only “evil” when without any care or attention it is allowed to persist that it becomes detrimental. The Chiropractic adjustment is not a way to rid the world of “evil” but the way in which the contraction/expansion process moves us along the path of self-awareness. The healing that occurs is simply a by-product of the reconnection with Innate. It feels so much better to be a necessary part of the flow of life, the positive evolutionary process, and the growth of conscious awareness than it does to be a battling warrior. And it is amazing how much better the interference clears when the subluxation is set free as opposed to “beat into submission”.
So there you go, getting adjusted not only provides you with the opportunity to heal but also the opportunity to better know the wisdom which created you from a single cell and in doing so increases your self-awareness and ultimately evolves consciousness.”
You experienced life. Some things you were able to integrate, mind, body, and soul. Your body learned and moved on.
Other things you could not integrate at the time they were experienced. You may have been too stressed out, overwhelmed, or preoccupied. Your body locked down in order to store these for later learning and integration.
NOT a silent killer, but an opportunity.
The Language of the Universe
“Philosophy is written in this grand book - I mean the universe - which is continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth.” ~Galileo
This is a quote Sue Brown, DC always shared in her BGI 1 Friday night lecture. We offer it now to continue this inspirational legacy. We are studying how to develop our personal Mastery in Chiropractic, and we do this by developing our PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, and ART
“In Bio-Geometric Integration, we are attempting to witness the grand philosophical universe. We study the language of the body, and because the universe is holographic, the language of the universe itself. The characters we study in this language are geometric and specifically triangular in nature. Studying BGI supports the Chiropractor to step out of the labyrinth and begin to interpret the genius that is Innate Intelligence.” - Jacqueline Segura, DC
HORSE TO WATER and the Powerful Author, D.A.Wils
HORSE TO WATER and the Powerful Author, D.A. Wils
If you are reading this article you already know of Sue Brown, DC who founded and developed Bio-Geometric Integration.
However, many of you may not know that Sue’s wife, D.A., is also a powerful healing practitioner. D.A. Wils is an artist, author, and powerful energetic healer. As their niece and god(dess)-daughter, I was blessed with not one, but two powerful healers as aunties.
D.A. taught me my first energy healing techniques and was the first to affirm my potential as a healer when I was very young. While Sue and my mother, Marcia Segura, DC, were my first and most profound Chiropractic mentors and inspiration, D.A. was my first inspiration into the mystical, spiritual and energetic. Her work inspired me in my spiritual path and to learn many of the energy healing techniques I now utilize in my practice daily. She taught me ritual and how to see Spirit in all things. For these, and many other blessings, I am forever grateful.
Her powerful healing sessions and inspirational writing have supported countless people through the years. Through her decades of spiritual and healing studies, she gathered priceless information into what she called her “Thrival Bible.” This was her go-to resource for supporting herself, her family, friends, and clients. After years of people asking for photocopies of her compilation, she was inspired to create a book that contained this preciously gathered information. Of course, there is even a passage about Bio-Geometric Integration! This “Thrival Bible'' is now titled Horse to Water and is a comprehensive collection of practical healing/spiritual methods. It is powerful for healing practitioners and spiritual seekers alike.
I keep a copy at my office for my practice members to reference and one near my meditation chair at home. This work has supported my development. I am so happy to share with you how you can be supported as well.
I have a small number of copies here with me in Atlanta. I will have them for sale at BGI 4M. If you are attending you can pick up one there, or ask a friend to bring one home to you!
100% of your purchase directly supports D.A. Wils, BGI takes no portion of the profit.
D.A. Wils supported BGI more than any of us will ever truly understand! By purchasing this book not only will you get an amazing spiritual and healing resource, but you also offer gratitude for her support in creating BGI as we know it.
To order directly from D.A.:
“This is an over 900-page compilation of prayers, chants, mantras, visualizations, meditations, tools, and techniques, with over 70 contributors such as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Vasant Lad, and Dr. Sue Brown, all with the sole purpose of self-healing. If we begin to heal and enlighten ourselves from within, we will see a positive global transformation as well. This is a "thrival bible" when carried with you 24/7 offering you a healing and supportive companion and guide with which to traverse all life's challenges. Horse To Water is a thrival bible. It is the tool whose imperative time is now! Thriving is all about the collective, whereas survival is a form of selfishness. Horse to water will change the world if everyone begins today utilizing all the tools provided within the book. Gift it to someone in the hospital, to a newlywed, for a christening present.”
About the Author
D.A. Wils became a Transcendental Meditation teacher in 1978 and has practiced and taught TM ever since. She has been in private practice utilizing the tools of intuitive medicine for over 35 years. D.A. is a Reiki Master, a trained practitioner of Trager, The Yuen Method, Spiritual Response Therapy, and Aura Soma. She co-owned Essence Quality of Life Center with her wife and partner Sue Brown, DC, and was the editor of their Monthly Newsletter.
As one of the editors of HORSE TO WATER, I found myself wanting to share this multi-faceted gem as soon as possible. One particular friend was going through a personal crisis and it took all of my integrity not to just hand him the unpublished manuscript. I knew it had the power to inspire and heal. I knew it could bring him peace and hope and strength. Well, JL my friend, it is ready! Read this book with your heart wide open and come to realize your True Self. Don’t just survive, Thrive!
--Stacee Lee Melville
We all would benefit from this book being in the hands of every human being on the planet.
--The World Puja Network
The Dance of Discovery
The body is far more intelligent than our conscious minds could ever comprehend.
We, more than most, get a glimpse into that intelligence through our study of BGI. And yet, the magnitude and miraculous depth of the body’s intelligence is so grand it would simply be hubris to claim to completely understand it.
Beautifully, we can trust that the body will show us the information we need to know! This was how Sue discovered and developed BGI. She didn’t sit around and dream up a technique to impose upon the body. She DISCOVERED, learned, and listened to the innate intelligence already alive in the body. As her skills and understanding deepened, so did the depth and complexity of the systems on her table (Observer effect).
This is also true for each of us. We go through the process of learning in BGI, beginning with the posterior geometry, the anterior, the sagittal, and then the coronal. We start off learning the details of these primary planes one subluxation track at a time.
And yet, our discovery takes us deeper. We step into a dance with the body. This dance is much like the one that Sue danced to discover all of the concepts in BGI. We learn to LISTEN (or feel, see, taste/smell, or even know) directly to the body. As we develop our skills of curiosity, presence, and observation from a place of neutrality and no agenda, the information showing up on the table begins to unfold and deepen.
While we start off learning one track at a time, in one plane at a time, we soon discover the myriad of ways the body organizes subluxations is far beyond our previous understanding. The body reveals the many complex and astounding ways it can organize information and reflect upon itself. The BGI concept of fractals is just one example of these reflections. What is small reflects what is big. What is macro reflects the micro. In each and every cell in the body is the entire information to create a whole new person. With the most basic understanding of DNA, we know this. But have you ever stopped to really think about how miraculous this is? It means each cell is so packed with potential information, that it could be possible to affect everything from anywhere in the body.
While we will be exploring this concept in-depth at BGI 4M, you can individually explore it in your hands no matter where you are on the BGI path. Take the knowledge of BGI you already have and listen to the body. Ask clear questions. The system on the table will show you exactly what you need to know from the perspective of the tools already in your toolbelt.
In the BGI Seminars system, we teach in the manner that Sue discovered. And that also means that we teach in the manner the body unfolds! This makes learning more easeful and also benefits the system on the table! So how do you build the skills of listening and deepen your understanding of the concepts in BGI?
Keep coming to seminars so we can assist you in your next steps of the dance of discovery.
Trust in your knowing! Develop your skills to listen to the body and trust what it has to say. This is the path to chiropractic mastery.
Study the concepts in BGI through discussing with our Facebook community or reading something from Sue’s suggested reading list. In the back of the BGI 1 Manual, Sue curated a list of books that supported her along her path of discovery. We have created links to as many of those books/articles as we could find; we are excited to finally have all these resources in one place!
Thank you all for being in the dance with us. We look forward to dancing more with you soon.
The Possibility of BGI 4M
I invite you to explore the possibility of BGI 4M.
The development of BGI Seminars leading to BGI 4M
When Sue Brown, DC was developing what we now know as BGI Seminars, she started what became BGI 1, then through time, she added BGI 2 and BGI 3. BGI 3 kept expanding as she was discovering more and more material. For those of you who attended the old model of BGI 3, I am sure you remember the fire hose of information blasted during those seminars. Sue eventually, with the aid of the BGI community, saw that the material of BGI 3 was too large to keep to just one seminar. From that older model the new BGI 3, BGI 4M, and the BGI Mastery Program were seeded into creation. We now have the BGI 3 as we know it today diving into the coronal geometry and the depth of the 3-D nature of the body. The BGI Mastery program is a 9 module program with the highest level of BGI material. (We know all of you are waiting with anticipation for the BGI Mastery Program to return. We hear you and we will offer this program as soon as possible. AND, if you feel called to support in the recreation of Mastery please schedule a call HERE. We are hoping to have a meeting with all BGI Masters attending BGI 4M this year.)
What is BGI 4M?
BGI 4M was created by Sue Brown, DC. Each time there has been a 4M it has been with a different format. The name 4M is for multiple reasons:
4 to indicate its progression through the BGI educational program, BGI 1, 2, 3 are prerequisites
M for mastery
“4M” sounds like “forum” to indicate that there are multiple cooks in the kitchen creating a delicious course
And lastly, Sue would say “4….Um…. whatever I want to teach about,” indicating the creativity and play that shows up for each individual BGI 4M.
BGI 4M is a UNIQUE, irreplaceable, and unrepeatable experience. Although the key ingredients are always the same:
A selection of the most advanced material in BGI from the BGI Mastery Program
Presentations from BGI Docs in the field developing work based on the foundations of BGI
Multiple of our Mastery Level Instructors, Lead Instructors, and Teachers in Training presenting to create a diverse learning environment
Multiple opportunities to be adjusted in the BGI 4M field
And of course a BGI Community party, often karaoke, dance, or live music!
A Vision for the future
I see ALL OF YOU as an integral part of the future of BGI. The field is ever-growing and evolving. ALL of your voices are needed, ALL of your voices are important, ALL of your voices will aid in the healing and evolution of this work and thus the world.
I ask you to join us at this BGI 4M to answer the call of your own development of chiropractic mastery. Add to the tapestry of the greater field of BGI. Enhance your skills, take the next step, and open a doorway to the future of chiropractic. The possibility of BGI is alive through your hands and the beautiful systems of those who honor you by laying on your table.
Change in the world is possible; one drop at a time, one adjustment at a time. Step with us into a new Field of Possibility.
Learn more here about
BGI 4M 2024
What is Bio-Geometric Integration? By: Sue Brown, DC.
Note from Jacqueline Segura, DC:
Sue Brown, DC was the founder and developer of BGI. All of the work in BGI is either in the format that she created or significantly based on her wisdom and direction. To see videos of her teaching, check out our About BGI page HERE.
This article, written by Sue herself, has been reprinted many times in her office newsletter, the old BGI Seminars website, as well as by countless DCs in the field. It still serves today as a profound way to explain our work. HERE is a link to a PDF formatted by Elizabeth Welch, DC..
What is Bio-Geometric Integration?
By: Sue Brown, D.C. Developer of Bio-Geometric Integration
To understand BGI, it is necessary to first have an understanding of chiropractic. Not the mainstream view of chiropractors as “back doctors,” but the original intention of chiropractic, that being, “to release interference to the expression of the innate intelligence of the body.” There is an organizing intelligence in the body that coordinates our heartbeat, breathing, digestion and chemical balance without conscious thought. It allows us to walk, talk, think and listen without knowing the complex interactions that must take place for those things to occur. All actions and reactions and all healing occur as a result of the expression of this intelligence. The only reason we experience dis-ease in our lives, whether it expresses as a physical symptom, a chemical dependency or an emotional/mental pattern is that there is an interference in the expression of this intelligence. This interference is what the chiropractic profession calls a subluxation. And the chiropractic adjustment is intended to release the subluxation, thus releasing the interference to the expression of the innate intelligence of the body.
Traditionally in chiropractic, the subluxation is viewed strictly in terms of a compression or stretching on the nerve system or more specifically, the spinal cord and nerve roots attached to the cord (thus the association with the spine). BGI not only recognizes this aspect but also expands the idea further to encompass contemporary knowledge of our bodies and the world we live in.
And now on to BGI. With the discovery of quantum physics, came a new vision of the world we live in. There was a shift away from “solid reality” to one in which energy and matter were interchangeable. There was a realization that the things that we consider to be solid matter are actually made up of energy, and this energy is experienced as a vibration of a certain frequency or tone. This discovery paved the way for many of the technological advancements that have been made and also changed the way many researchers viewed the body. Scientists began to see the body not only as a physical structure but also as an energetic system, something ancient healing arts have recognized for centuries. In BGI, this view of the energetic quality of the body is integrated into the idea of subluxation. The subluxation is not only viewed in terms of the neurological component but also the energetic component.
In life, each moment we are bombarded with input. This input comes in many forms ranging from all we see, hear, smell, taste and touch to accidents, arguments, weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. As varied as all these experiences or stressors are, the one consistent aspect is that they are all energetic in nature. Our senses perceive the energy of the experience and then our system interprets it and changes it from frequencies and tones to words we understand, objects we recognize and impacts we feel.
My understanding is that if the experiences we have are integrated, that is, the intelligence of the body recognizes and processes the information contained in the experience, then we can utilize them to grow, learn, heal and evolve. If we do not integrate the experience, then the body “hangs onto” the stress which causes dis-ease and discomfort.
If we translate this into energetic terms, it goes something like this. Our senses perceive a particular energy, with a particular frequency or tone. The tone of the energy determines the information carried by the experience. The information processing systems of the body then interprets the tones and initiate the appropriate response and the energy of the experience is utilized in the body. This energy utilization and tone interpretation suggests that there is an integration of this energy and tone (information) into the system. To integrate is to make whole or unify by bringing together parts. So when an experience is integrated, essentially what happens is the tone of the energy becomes part of us.
Quantum physics has shown that we are but a multitude of synchronized/organized frequencies. In other words, we are a musical symphony physically manifested and walking around on earth. When we integrate an experience of life we’ve simply added another note to the music that we are, increasing the complexity of our music ever so slightly. Our structure is determined by our music. If the music changes, the structure changes. Thus if we increase the complexity of the music by integrating a new tone (experience) we increase the complexity of our structure. This, to me, is what evolution is, simply the integration by living systems of frequency upon frequency over billions of years. Viewing the experiences of life in this way opens the door to see every experience, no matter what it is, as an opportunity to learn, grow and evolve.
So what if the experience (tone) doesn’t integrate? If the system can’t integrate the experience then, instead of the new tone becoming part of the integrated whole, it is stored in the body. The system perceives it as a foreign, dissonant tone. It’s like the experience of someone yelling and screaming at you and you don’t know why. You can’t integrate the experience because it is too big and beyond comprehension. Therefore long after it is over you keep playing it repeatedly. The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable you get. And years later you see this person who verbally assaulted you and you get agitated, nervous and defensive.
These unintegrated tones create dis-ease in the body and the dissonance of the tone distorts the body’s natural geometric structure and alignment. This is the subluxation, an unintegrated energetic experience which distorts the music (and geometry) and interferes with our innate expression. This is what causes tight muscles, misaligned vertebrae and the tension on the nerve system. There is the bad news! The good news is that it’s all just stored energy which gives us a second chance. The subluxation contains the information of the experience. If the body didn’t store the experience in the form of a subluxation, then the possible learning contained in each experience would be lost. All those overwhelming experiences would wreak havoc and then be lost forever with no possibility to learn, grow and evolve. In storing the unintegrated experiences, the body keeps the potential of every experience.
In BGI, the chiropractic adjustment releases that potential energy giving the system a second chance to integrate the energy and information of the original experience, thus providing the opportunity to grow, learn, evolve and heal.
The BGI approach first and foremost, utilizes this understanding of the subluxation. Other aspects also make it unique. One is the idea of integration. We discussed integration previously in terms of the creation of the subluxation and the evolution of living things. The aspect which is important in adjusting, is the concept of integration to assess whether the system is ready to receive the adjustment and also whether the system fully integrates the adjustment given. If the body is not ready to receive the information and potential that will be released by the adjustment or if the system is ready but does not fully integrate the potential released then it will simply lock back in, be stored again and the subluxation will return. BGI addresses this concern and uses assessment tools which allow the practitioner to determine if the system is ready to be adjusted and if the adjustment and thus potential energy will be fully integrated.
BGI also recognizes that the potential energy in the body is best accessed where it is being primarily stored. Essentially there are three categories of “stored places”—the muscles, the soft connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, and the tissue around the organs called mesentery) and the hard connective tissue (bones). This is important because a different adjustive force is required for each. The force of the adjustment for releasing potential in the muscles and soft tissue is rather light while the force of the adjustment to release potential in the bony system is more dynamic and is the type typically associated with chiropractic. Both are powerful adjustments but are best utilized with the appropriate category.
Finally BGI recognizes that there is an innate geometry in the body. This geometry is a reflection of the innate music that we are. By identifying, understanding and utilizing the geometry, the chiropractor can better assess and release the subluxation. The geometry allows us to glimpse the entire effect of the subluxation thus making it possible to release it as an integrated whole. It also allows us to prioritize the incredible number of subluxation patterns so that the timing of each release is optimum.
Through BGI we can understand both the physical and energetic aspects of the cause of dis-ease, realize the potential of each experience and assess the most effective, efficient and integrative way to release the potential stored within each one of us.
BGI Community Spotlight: Cameron Brownley, DC
Our BGI community is rich with powerful Chiropractors and future Chiropractors. Occasionally, someone in our community takes an extra step in the calling of Chiropractic and shares their knowledge beyond the walls of their office.
This month I am so happy to highlight a Chiropractor I had the honor to study alongside of at seminars during our time at Life University. Allow me to introduce Cameron Brownley, DC!
Dr. Cameron practices alongside his wife Dr. Natalia at Shine Family Chiropractic in Asheville, NC. While I would be happy to tell you all what a kind person and amazing Chiropractor Dr. Cameron is, today I am on a mission to share with you some great news!
Dr. Cameron has written an article that will be published in Pathways Magazine in the spring! His article “Emotional Integration: A Chiropractor’s Perspective” features concepts from BGI’s perspective! Here is a sneak preview:
“…our physical tissues holds on to potential energy (density) until we are able to “own our experience (integrate).” This basic, foundational belief system was brought to me through
Bio-Geometric Integration, a beautiful approach to Chiropractic that I utilize in my office.:
We are so proud of Dr. Cameron and appreciative of his dedication to Chiropractic and the BGI Community. I can’t wait to see the full article and will update this post with a link once it is published.
Wait… there’s more? Dr. Cameron published his first book this fall: “True Self: The Clarity Strategy.” On the Shine Chiropractic website, he shares:
“In his first book, Dr. Cameron writes to articulate ‘The Clarity Strategy’ and the availability of Consciousness that always wants to aid us. Through the facilitation of Peace in the Body and Presence in the Mind, we are able to walk through the chaos and into following a Higher Will. This is the first of six books in the ‘True Self series.’”
I am always looking for reading to further my own exploration of chiropractic philosophy and offer to my practice members. I just ordered my copy of the book and can’t wait to dive in.
Excerpt from the back of the book:
"Whether you have misstepped, overstepped, or are just looking to re-center, this book is for you. Dr. Cameron will Light your way on the path to Truth in a unique literary experience. Whether it’s through basic science, Chiropractic philosophy, Mind-Body practices, metaphysical concepts, personal experiences, or poetic expression, multiple aspects of the reader’s Self are stimulated to articulate “The Clarity Strategy”.
Get your own copy of True Self: The Clarity Strategy here!
By purchasing from this link BGI receives a small percentage from Amazon. And of course, by purchasing, you are supporting Dr. Cameron!
You Are The Living Proof of Your Infinite Potential
Every experience you have each moment of each day is filled with potential. From these experiences, we learn and build the person we become. Each moment is a new opportunity for your entire system to learn. This is just as true of our beliefs, our thought processes, and our emotional skills as it is our physiological processes. These processes are how the body communicates with itself. From knowing where our hand is in space to the number of enzymes our liver needs to generate, we are in a state of constant potential for learning…