BGI Community Resources
These resources are contributions or recommendations from members of our BGI Community. Some, but by far not all, are financially supporting BGI when you purchase/register through our site, or mention BGI at check out. And many are simply resources that have supported BGI practitioners. We interview each person before listing their resource here. And, the opinions of the individual practitioners are uniquely their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BGI HQ or the BGI community as a whole. We list them here for all.
This is just the beginning, we are continuing to add to each of these sections. So, check our website regularly.
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BGI Recommended Reading
From the books Sue recommended to the books inspiring our colleagues and mentors today. This reading list will be listed with amazon links. Every time you purchase through these links a small percentage will be contributed to BGI Seminars
Business & Professional Development
Learn from fellow BGI Community members, Lead Instructors, and trusted contributors.
Find various courses and groups to support your professional life.
Self Care & Professional Development
Put the oxygen mask on yourself first!
Taking care of yourself is the first step. Here are resources that have helped our community
Community Recommended products
We hear questions all the time from students and Chiropractors in practice about the products that BGI Lead Instructors & Leadership use to support both our personal families and practices. Here is a list of those resources