Sacred Motherhood Day

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To my mother from me: 

BGI Mama,


Marcia Segura, DC

Photo by Yvan Plamondon, DC

Most of you know that my business partner is also my mother! Marcia Segura, DC is the eldest sister of Sue Brown, DC. She is lovingly known to many BGI students as the  “BGI Mama”. 

She is the woman who makes it possible for me to be here today.  Of course, I mean on this earth, but I also mean as BGI HQ. 

She has spent countless hours with little to no pay, investing, contributing, and volunteering to make sure that BGI stays afloat. 

I honor her today. I appreciate you. Thank you to our BGI Mama!



To all of you from BGI:

We honor
all the mothers, past, present, and future;
those who have birthed, guided, & created;
the mothers of children, fur babies, practices, businesses, and even ideas.

We honor the sacred motherhood within each of you regardless of gender or birth.

We honor the spark of creation in each of you however you wish to wield it. 

Happy Sacred Motherhood Day! 

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BGI Seminars During 2021

In the BGI community, we live in a world where the body's innate intelligence is infinitely wise and adaptable. We know that every experience, whether it is chemical, physical or emotional is all TONE. And therefore, any experience is an opportunity for the body to learn, grow and evolve. We invite you to live in this world with us.

We can choose to be responsible and in integrity with our community and simultaneously be responsible and in integrity to our philosophy of health and our unique perspective on the world.

Around the world, each location has specific needs, attitudes and cultures around how to address our changing world. I wanted to take this moment to address some questions we have received:

Will BGI hold virtual seminars?

Through multiple discussions with the leadership in BGI HQ and BGI Lead Instructors, we have decided to stay committed to the BGI Seminars policy that all BGI 1, 2, & 3s, especially for first time attendees, will remain in person and not online. We see that the field and practical hands on experience is essential for developing the skills and knowledge presented in BGI Seminars.

Will there be any virtual resources?

Yes! Since last year we have been hosting BGI Virtual Classrooms. If you haven’t been participating go here for more information. In addition to our Virtual Classrooms, stay tuned for more virtual resources for both new to BGI students/practitioners and those of you who have been a part of the BGI community for some time.

How is BGI Seminars handling locally mandated requirements?

We are watching closely. We are monitoring local guidelines for all seminars this year. We are limiting our instructors’ travel and keeping seminars small. All 2021 seminars’ size (attendee cap), locations, and dates are subject to change with shifting locally mandated requirements.  All this being said, I am located in Atlanta, GA, USA and I acknowledge that government websites do not fully embody the needs and culture of each location. If we miss something, let us know!

Last year we learned from each of the very few live seminars we were able to produce.

  • We have increased the location size of any live seminars we will hold this year to appropriately distance attendees.

  • We will continue to provide: disposable masks, paper face shields, paper towels, hand sanitizer and table cleaner.

  • We will continue to request that our attendees clean the headpiece/hand rests between people, frequently wash hands, and bring portable tables to distance throughout the room.

  • And of course, we tell all our attendees to contact us if they, or anyone they have been in contact with, has experienced viral symptoms. In this case, we will transfer their registration to another date.

Will there be a BGI 4M this year?

We believe that the material often presented in BGI 4Ms belongs to all chiropractors and chiropractic students, not just one country. Until we have further information about international travel we will not be holding a BGI 4M. It would not be in integrity for us to hold such an important event without the participation from attendees internationally.

As we mentioned before, we will be increasing our virtual events and resources this year. We hope to find new and creative ways to continue to inspire and develop our BGI education even when we cannot be in person. Go here for more information on BGI 4M.

Thank you for joining BGI on our journey this year!

We see messages everywhere that “we are all in this together.” In our BGI community we mean that very literally. We are here. We are still learning and juggling the changing conditions with you. We stay committed to the BGI perspective of health and we can also be teachable. 

We are not pretending that the current circumstances do not exist. Instead, we are choosing to focus on the vibrational field and what we are here to do. It is our mission to provide BGI education the best we can and create the opportunity for all of our attendees, and thus people they serve, to learn, grow, and evolve.  We are so blessed to include each and every one of you in our BGI family.

Blessings and Integration,

Jacqueline Segura, DC

Evolution of Consciousness & Community of Humanity


We are in the midst of an evolution of consciousness. 

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This last week, month and entire year has been a wild ride. In the wake of all of the events of 2020, most of us are reflecting and re-creating our belief systems about health, evolution and human rights. 

Human rights transcend politics. This message is not intended to be a political statement. It is intended to be a human statement. A statement about the world and our siblings both in our own neighborhoods and across the globe. 

We are living through and participating in a historic time, for many reasons beyond what I am mentioning. Here are just a powerful few that I am present to in this time:

LGBTQIA+ Rights:

This Monday, June 15th, the Supreme Court decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which says it is illegal to discriminate based on a person’s sex, also includes and protects people based on their sexual orientation and gender expression. Before this, a person had no protection from being fired for being gay, trans, queer in the workplace. This is a huge moment in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement. As a member of this community, my heart is warmed with a resounding thought, “About time!”

Protection of Dreamers:

Yesterday, June 18th, the Supreme Court ruled against the attempt to end the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” initiative aka DACA. This program protects ~800,000 children and young people, known as Dreamers. Unless you know and love a Dreamer, or are one yourself, the fear of a loved one being taken from their home and everyone who loves them is indescribable. This ruling, although just the beginning of protecting these individuals, is a huge sigh of relief for Dreamers and those of us who love them dearly. 

Juneteenth & Black Lives Matter:

Now, today is Juneteenth. This holiday, although not officially recognized in all parts of the country, is an essential day for all of us to remember. It commemorates the end of slavery in the US. For two and half years AFTER the emancipation proclamation, people continued to be enslaved in Texas. On June 19th, 1865, these people were finally freed and the end of slavery was enforced. According to it is remembered and commemorated throughout many places in the world. 

So for today, for all the heart opening and tear creating moments of 2020, BGI has decided to donate what we can directly to Black Lives Matter. 

We see that by standing alongside our siblings, we all evolve. 

I am proud to say that I call both the  LGBTQIA+ community and the Latinx community my own. I cannot speak to the Black experience in the US. I can, however, shut up and listen. I can reflect and explore my own responsibilities and privileges. I can bring consciousness to the unconscious systemic and societal drive beliefs that I didn’t even know were there. Whether these communities are your own, or not, all of these issues, are ALL of OUR issues. They are human issues. 

We are all siblings within humanity. 

Our world is crying out “I can’t breathe.” And I see that as a chiropractor, I have the sacred privilege to hold space for breath with each person I serve. 

There are countless ways we all can hold space for breath and evolution of consciousness. I am asking that you look to what is yours to do, whatever that may be. And then, simply do it. 

Love and Integration,


Bio-Geometric Integration 2020

A new creation for a new decade

Imagine you could create your practice anew. Image you could create YOURSELF anew. Every time we address a person on the table we see them with new eyes. Sue would say that each subluxation track is unique. She said that if you are seeing the same pattern repeatedly either you, in your clinical skills, are missing something or the participant is creating the repeating pattern.

Ask yourself:

  • How have I been creating the same subluxation patterns in my practice? In my life?

  • What could be possible if I saw my life, my practice, and myself as a Chiropractor with new eyes?

  • We are at the beginning of a new decade. What do you want to integrate? What do you want to create?

Each time we come to a BGI seminar or event, it is a home-coming. It is also a brand new experience. Breath fresh air into your practice, your adjustment and into yourself.

All of us together create the BGI community! Join us at an event or in the conversation!

Blessings and Integration to you all in this New Year!

Original BGI 1 Welcome Letter - Written by Sue Brown, DC 1998

Original BGI 1 Welcome Letter 

Written By Original Author Susan Brown, DC in 1998 

Welcome to Bio-Geometric Integration I, 

I'd like to take a few moments to introduce you to the intention of this course and of BGI. In chiropractic there are many techniques. Each one has had its share of clinical "miracles" and each one was derived from the brilliance and wisdom of its founder. There are people who are gifted in the art of the chiropractic adjustment. There seems to be "something special" about the adjustment that they deliver and their ability to sense things in their palpation that are beyond what we were taught in school. Somehow along the way they became masters at their craft. We're not quite sure how they became masters or, more to the point, how we can achieve that same level of mastery. We stumble along the path hoping that one day we will miraculously be considered the one who is gifted in the art of chiropractic still not quite sure what the steps along the path to mastery are. We wonder "what is that special something in the adjustment?", "how did the masters develop what they do?", "how do I combine all the things I know to create my own mastery, my own "special something?". 

It was questions like these and many more that led to the creation and discovery of BGI. BGI is not a new technique or a new formula to follow, but an understanding of chiropractic, the subluxation, and the body, which will assist those who are truly seeking mastery. It is said that if you give someone the "how" you will create technicians, but if you give them the "why" masters will be created. BGI is about the "why". The concepts taught in BGI are meant to provide insights into the forces which create subluxations and how those forces are stored in the body. In understanding those forces we are able to, through palpation, derive the most efficient and effective adjustive force to release the subluxation. BGI also provides, through the language of geometry, a means to understand and combine the many approaches in chiropractic. Through the geometry of the body we are able to see the brilliance of each technique in chiropractic and possibly direct the evolution of the approach. 

BGI is intended to give some of the steps along the path to chiropractic mastery. It gives answers to the questions of "what is that 'special something'? ", "how do I combine the many bits of information I have?", "how do I know if the body is ready for an adjustment?", "how do I know when to stop?", "how do I know if the subluxation released?". BGI answers these questions and many more. 

This manual is provided*, not as a textbook covering all aspects of BGI, but as a compliment to the BGI I course. Space has been provided on the reverse of each page for notes. 

I invite you to come play with us on the path to mastery and explore the possibility of chiropractic. 

Enjoy the journey, 

Sue Brown, D.C.


*The manual mentioned is the BGI 1 Manual- available only at BGI 1 seminars 

The Magic of BGI 4M

Years ago, when I attended my first BGI 4M, I had been through multiple BGI 1’s, 2’s and 3’s. I walked in full of a student-level-ego that, I know all about this “BGI stuff.” At the end of that Saturday, I was absolutely stunned by the level of information that I didn’t even know, that I didn’t know. I was humbled, and more importantly I was inspired. I was hungry to learn more and rededicate myself to the sacred path of the seeker of BGI knowledge. 

Long before I was in Chiropractic school I assisted and managed Segura Chiropractic, owned by Marcia Segura, DC (aka my mother). I am sure you all know that getting to sit in the Chiropractic assistant seat offers a unique view of how the practice flows. I watched her close the office and go to the old BGI 3’s, 4M’s and especially the Mastery modules. I watched her close her practice and rush to organize a trip away from her family. And without fail, on the Monday after she returned, I watched magic happen.

Patients that hadn’t been around in years scheduled adjustments. Multiple ideal patients that deeply understood the work she offered AND wanted to refer everyone they knew would pop up seemingly out of nowhere. She did not do a single drop of increased marketing. In the CA  seat, I got to watch these BGI events feed her soul and generate creativity and a passion for practice.

The universe always answered the call. The people who had been waiting for her to become the Chiropractor they needed, showed up! 

It is our dream to facilitate the opportunity for each of you to experience this magic. Whether you are a student who thinks they already know everything (the way I laughingly admit I did) or a student who needs to build confidence in the knowledge they do have. If you are the DC who needs to rejoin the field, remember the magic, commune with friends, and for Heaven’s sake get adjusted masterfully! We want to offer YOU the level of BGI 4M you deserve. 

After much feedback and soul searching we have realized that we cannot do BGI 4M the justice it deserves in 2019. We have made plans and are more excited than we can share for BGI 4M 2020. We are partnering with Therese Perdedjian, BGI Master, to deliver a BGI 4M in 2020 that is nourishing to the soul of BGI and its community. 

Blessings and Integration to all of our BGI siblings, mentors, and friends, 

Jacqueline Segura

Need something to do with your first weekend in November 2019?

More info about BGI Symposium

Email Announcement for BGI Symposium