Canadian Seminar Packages:
We are excited to offer multiple package options for students, new graduates that are within 2 years of graduation and DCs.
How to engage:
Sign up for any Canadian Seminar and pay the initial monthly payment.
Foundational Seminar Pricing and Packages:
For DCs repeating BGI 1, 2 or 3 there are refreher rates and a continuity package. See below.
New DCs are within 2 years of their graduation date. Sign up must happen before then.
There will be opportunities to apply the payment for BGI 1 to a package at the end of the BGI 1 seminar.
If you purchase a package you are eligible to attend seminars in the United States.
Foundational Seminar Pricing and Package Options Details:
Canadian Student and Recent Graduates (1st and 2nd year DCs): Seminar Packages: 2019/2020:
Student (And Recent Grad) Foundational seminar Package:
BGI 1, 2 & 3 = $1050 plus GST ($1425.00 value)
Suggested for Students first time through the series.
OPTION 1: Pay in full and sign up for the seminars you choose that year
OPTION 2: Payment plan:
1) Initial Deposit: $110.25 Paid to sign up for the first seminar OR stand alone deposit
2) 9 more monthly payments: $110.25 After 10 month the entire $1050 plus GST will be paid.
Please note: There will be opportunities after BGI 1 to sign up for a payment plan even if you paid full price.
Student (And Recent Grad) Full Immersion Package:
BGI 1, 2, 3, & 4M = $1575 plus GST ($1425 CDN +$450USD Value)
Suggested for students for whom it is their second or more times through the series.
OPTION 1: Pay in full and sign up for the seminars you choose that year
OPTION 2: Payment plan:
1) Initial Deposit: $165.37 Paid to sign up for the first seminar OR stand alone deposit
2) 9 more monthly payments: $165.37 After 10 months the entire $1575 plus GST will paid
Please note:There will be opportunities after BGI 1 to sign up for a payment plan even if you paid full price.
DC Seminar Packages: 2019/2020
DC Continuity Package:
1 Foundational Seminar & BGI 4M = $1150 plus GST ($750 + 550USD value)
Only available to DC’s who have already completed at least one Full Series
OPTION 1: Pay in full and sign up for the seminars you choose that year
OPTION 2: Payment plan:
1) Initial Deposit: $201.25 Paid to sign up for the first seminar OR stand alone deposit
2) 5 more monthly payments: $201.25 After 6 months the entire $1150 plus GST will be paid.
DC Foundational seminar Package
BGI 1, 2, & 3= $1650 plus GST ($2250 Value)
Get your CEs, engage with your community and take your practice to the next level.
OPTION 1: Pay in full and sign up for the seminars you choose that year
OPTION 2: Payment plan:
1) Initial Deposit: $173.25 Paid to sign up for the first seminar OR stand alone deposit
2) 9 more monthly payments: $173.25 After 10 months the entire $1650 plus GST will be paid.
Please note: There will be opportunities after BGI 1 to sign up for a payment plan even if you paid full price.
DC Full Immersion Package:
BGI 1, 2, 3, & 4M = $2250 plus GST ($2250+$550USD Value)
Get your CEs, engage with your community and take your practice to the next level.
OPTION 1: Pay in full and sign up for the seminars you choose that year
OPTION 2: Payment plan:
1) Initial Deposit: $244.12 Paid to sign up for the first seminar OR stand alone deposit
2) 9 more monthly payments: $244.12 After 10 months the entire $2250 plus GST will be paid.
Please note: There will be opportunities after BGI 1 to sign up for a payment plan even if you paid full price.
DC Refresher rates for Foundational seminars
BGI 1, 2, or 3= $550 plus GST
Get your CEs, engage with your community and take your practice to the next level.
General Canadian Package Information: 2019/2020
BGI 4M 2019 & 2020 Dates
2019: BGI 4M Atlanta Area, November 1-3, 2019
2020: BGI 4M San Francisco Area, November 6-8, 2020
Cancelation Policy
Full Price seminar cancelation policy
Cancelations 30 days prior to the seminar: Refund will be given minus a $50 admin fee
Cancelations within 30 days of the seminar: Credit to attend a future seminar
The $50 non-refundable admin fee may be used as a credit for seminars or products.
We encourage credits to be used within the same or next year.
Package seminar cancelation policy:
The payments for packages may be stopped at any time.
There are NO refunds for packages but credit accrued can be used for seminars in Canada or the USA
Total owed balance will be calculated based on the Full Price of the seminars already attended.
As of the date of cancelation, if the payments made amount to less than the total owed, the attendee will owe the remaining balance.
If the payments made amount to more than the total owed for the seminars attended the attendee will receive a credit for that amount.
Payment plan paid partially and then stopped at the request of the student
The student had already attended BGI 1 and BGI 2.
Total owed $950 ($475 each seminar is the Full Price)
If the payments made are less than $950, such as $500, the package holder will owe the remaining balance. In this case $450.
If the payments made amount to more than $950, such as $1,000, the package holder will have a credit for $50.
We encourage credits to be used within the same or next year.
2019 Seminar Policies
Minimum of 12 paid attendees to produce a seminar.
Seminar prerequisites:
BGI 1 & Osseous Prerequisite: No Prerequisites
BGI 2 Prerequisite: BGI 1
BGI 3 Prerequisite: BGI 1 & BGI 2
BGI 4M Prerequisite: BGI 1, 2 & BGI 3
Student seminar prices and packages are extended into the first TWO years after graduation
Seminars with less than 19 attendees will be held in Chiropractic office
Owner of the office will be paid either $300 or offered seminar attendance
If the owner is attending the seminar for free they are not counted toward the minimum 12 attendee requirement.