BGI Club Resources


BGI 1 Adjusting Demo March 9, 2023
Jacqueline Segura, DC

In this video:

1) Talking through an adjustment with some of the components that are taught in a BGI 1 seminar.

  • Establishing continuity

  • Ligamentous Subluxation Track

  • Osseous Subluxation Track (Supine Cervical)

2) Time Lapse of an actual adjustment in Jacqueline’s office! What is in this video:

  • Establishing Continuity

  • Posterior Tracks: Ligamentous, Osseous, and Muscular (BGI 1 material)

  • Anterior Tracks: Ligamentous and Muscular (BGI 2 material)

  • Saggital Track: Ligamentous (BGI 2 Material)

  • Coronal Tracks: Ligamentous, Osseous, and Muscular (BGI 3 material)

  • Osseous force applications utilized:

    • Manual: Sacral toggle, prone thoracic, supine cervical, anterior femur, sternoclavicular joint, mandible

    • Activator: lumbar vertebrae

  • Muscular force applications utilized: Quadratus Lumborum, Suboccipitals, Scalenes, Psoas

  • All force applications were chosen for what was most appropriate for that practice member’s history, the subluxations present, and the various skills available to Jacqueline as an individual.

BGI is about creating a playground for YOU to develop YOUR INDIVIDUAL skills through the framework of BGI.


Due to the very quick creation of this video, the sound quality is low and the volume shifts greatly after the pause. Turn down your volume when it says “Pause” (Minute 4:50) for the best experience.