About Tonal Palpation:
BGI Master, Jackie Manfre, DC has created wonderful courses to explore.
Tonal Palpation is designed to step you into the world of feeling frequencies and tones within the body. We all have the ability to feel and sense energetic frequencies, and we do it everyday in many ways. In Tonal Palpation our goal is to help you identify what you're already feeling but may not have words for, strengthen your natural intuitive abilities, introduce you to intuitive sensory input if you have no prior experience with it, and to open your eyes and hands to listen to the silent symphony of the body.
BGI considers all Tonal Palpation courses as BGI electives and can be applied towards designation in the BGI Directory!
Upcoming Tonal Palpation:
December 5, 2020 -
Life University 1 Day WorkshopDecember 6, 2020 -
Life University 1 Day Workshop
Explore a 1 day seminar with Jackie Manfre on Dec 5 or 6ths
Dec 5th or 6th
4343 Shallowford Road, Ste E6
Marietta, GA 30062
MINIMUM 10 people to produce event
Explore with Jackie:
Jackie Manfre, DC is a chiropractor whose training has focused on feeling all the nuances that create human health. Her hands, her heart, and her words expertly guide clients to take responsibility for their health, heal old wounds, regain perspective on their body's ability to heal and transform, and unlock the restrictions of the mind to access freedom in their own body.
Jackie has completed the BGI Mastery course and has been involved with BGI leadership and education throughout her career.
She also travels nationally and internationally to spread guidance and understanding through Tonal Palpation.