Our BGI community is rich with powerful Chiropractors and future Chiropractors. Occasionally, someone in our community takes an extra step in the calling of Chiropractic and shares their knowledge beyond the walls of their office.
This month I am so happy to highlight a Chiropractor I had the honor to study alongside of at seminars during our time at Life University. Allow me to introduce Cameron Brownley, DC!
Dr. Cameron practices alongside his wife Dr. Natalia at Shine Family Chiropractic in Asheville, NC. While I would be happy to tell you all what a kind person and amazing Chiropractor Dr. Cameron is, today I am on a mission to share with you some great news!
Dr. Cameron has written an article that will be published in Pathways Magazine in the spring! His article “Emotional Integration: A Chiropractor’s Perspective” features concepts from BGI’s perspective! Here is a sneak preview:
“…our physical tissues holds on to potential energy (density) until we are able to “own our experience (integrate).” This basic, foundational belief system was brought to me through
Bio-Geometric Integration, a beautiful approach to Chiropractic that I utilize in my office.:
We are so proud of Dr. Cameron and appreciative of his dedication to Chiropractic and the BGI Community. I can’t wait to see the full article and will update this post with a link once it is published.
Wait… there’s more? Dr. Cameron published his first book this fall: “True Self: The Clarity Strategy.” On the Shine Chiropractic website, he shares:
“In his first book, Dr. Cameron writes to articulate ‘The Clarity Strategy’ and the availability of Consciousness that always wants to aid us. Through the facilitation of Peace in the Body and Presence in the Mind, we are able to walk through the chaos and into following a Higher Will. This is the first of six books in the ‘True Self series.’”
I am always looking for reading to further my own exploration of chiropractic philosophy and offer to my practice members. I just ordered my copy of the book and can’t wait to dive in.
Excerpt from the back of the book:
"Whether you have misstepped, overstepped, or are just looking to re-center, this book is for you. Dr. Cameron will Light your way on the path to Truth in a unique literary experience. Whether it’s through basic science, Chiropractic philosophy, Mind-Body practices, metaphysical concepts, personal experiences, or poetic expression, multiple aspects of the reader’s Self are stimulated to articulate “The Clarity Strategy”.
Get your own copy of True Self: The Clarity Strategy here!
By purchasing from this link BGI receives a small percentage from Amazon. And of course, by purchasing, you are supporting Dr. Cameron!